rePost :: Malaysian Catholics accept apology over 'desecration' –, Philippine News for Filipinos

Malaysia would occupy a special place in my heart. It’s as close as the ideal I believe a democracy and Islam could co exist. I pray they keep their beautiful society can be kept in their currently beautiful balance.

Malaysian Catholics accept apology over 'desecration'
Agence France-Presse
First Posted 15:01:00 03/07/2010
Filed Under: Religions, Media
KUALA LUMPUR – Catholic authorities in Malaysia on Sunday accepted an apology from a Muslim magazine after its writers took part in a Catholic service and allegedly desecrated the communion wafer.
“We accept the public apology. It is laudable,” Father Lawrence Andrew, the editor of the Catholic “Herald” newspaper, told AFP.
“We trust they will not repeat it. We are not holding any grudges.”
Two journalists from the “Al Islam” magazine took the wafer and spat it out after entering a Catholic church to investigate claims that Muslims were illegally converting to Christianity.
via Malaysian Catholics accept apology over ‘desecration’ –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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