rePost :: “evil plans”: how a little shack in chappell hill, texas changed my life | gapingvoid

This was an inspiring story read the whole thing!!!!

“No, Darlin’. A thousand pounds, every day.”
BOOM! Moment of clarity. A tiny little shack-store in Nowheresville, Texas. Making probably somewhere between twenty and forty thousand dollars a week, pure profit. That’s a lot more money than me or any of my other New York cronies were making (or probably ever going to make). For a lot less hassle and overheads, to boot.
Now, I never wanted to go into the meat business, but since that day in Chappell Hill, Texas, I have always aspired to have a business model as simple, elegant, profitable and low-key as this one. I’m not quite there yet, but I’m getting close…
And that, My Friends, is what “EVIL PLANS” is really all about. Exactly.
via “evil plans”: how a little shack in chappell hill, texas changed my life | gapingvoid.

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