Research :: Stem Cell Transplant Defeats HIV? Patient Still HIV Free After 2 Years | Singularity Hub

Everytime I read something like this. It reminds me of how much Bush II policies have paused stem-cell research’s success. I don’t know but I have a feeling that this may be his greatest blunder , and if you were awake the pass 10 years you know the blunders are immense.

Add one more name to the ever growing list of diseases that have been defeated by stem cell treatments: HIV. That’s right, according to a recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine, a stem cell transplant performed in Germany has unexpectedly removed all signs of HIV from a 42 year old American patient. The unnamed white male was treated two years ago for Leukemia with a dose of donor stem cells and his HIV RNA count has dropped to zero and remained there since. While the treatment was for Leukemia, Dr. Gero Hutter and colleagues at the Charite Universitatsmedizen in Berlin had selected the stem cell donor for his HIV resistant genes. While there are still many questions unanswered, this is the first such case of stem cells treating HIV that has been reported in a NEJM-caliber publication. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a “cure” for HIV/AIDS, but it is certainly a remarkable and promising find. There’s more you need to know about the situation, so read on.
via Stem Cell Transplant Defeats HIV? Patient Still HIV Free After 2 Years | Singularity Hub.

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