rePost:Coffee Heart Risk Gene???: Orszag Budgets for Caffeine Genetic Marker – ScienceInsider

Wish I’m negative for this gene. I consume about 1-3L of coffee a day, and I measure coffee by the table spoon not teaspoon so this would be ncie to know!!!!

The Office of Managament and Budget said that Orszag was traveling today and couldn’t provide additional details-including whether he’d learned anything about his genetic predisposition to other diseases. But ScienceInsider guesses that he was referring to a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) called rs762551 that modulates a caffeine metabolizing enzyme in the liver. Those with a “slow” metabolizing version who drink a few cups of coffee a day are at a higher risk of heart attacks.
via The Latest Buzz: Orszag Budgets for Caffeine Genetic Marker – ScienceInsider.

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