rePost :: Scumbag Animal Rights Villains Harass Children for Father's Speech : Good Math, Bad Math

This is despicable and must stop.

Scumbag Animal Rights Villains Harass Children for Father’s Speech

Category: Chatter
Posted on: February 24, 2010 2:00 PM, by Mark C. Chu-Carroll

This post is off-topic for this blog, but there are some things that I just can’t keep quiet about.
Via my friend and fellow ScienceBlogger Janet over at Adventures in Ethics and Science, I’ve heard about some absolutely disgraceful antics by an animal rights group. To be clear, in what follows, I’m not saying that all animal rights folks are scumbags: I’m pointing out that there’s a specific group of animal rights folks who are sickening monsters for what they’re doing.
The background: There’s a neurobiologist named Dario Ringach. Professor Ringach used to do research using primates. Back in 2006, when he did that, animal rights targeted him, and his children. The did things like vandalize his house, put on masks and bang on his childrens windows, and protest at his children’s schools. Professor Ringach disappointingly but understandably gave in, and abandoned his research in order to protect his family.
Fast forward a couple of years. Last week, Dr. Ringach, along with Janet and several other people, participated in a public dialogue about animal research at UCLA. Dr. Ringach spoke about why animal research is important. That’s all that he did: present an explanation of why animal research is important.
via Scumbag Animal Rights Villains Harass Children for Father’s Speech : Good Math, Bad Math.

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