rePost::So You Want to Be a Pro::Pinoy Penman

Some good advice on how to become a professional writer!!!

So You Want to Be a Pro

Penman for Monday, February 22, 2010

So rather than fuss over what “success” means, I’m going to address these remarks to people who want to become professional writers, by which I mean people who depend on their writing to support themselves and their families. Journalists naturally fall into this category and already know pretty much what I’ll be saying here; it’s the creative writer and the academic who may need a bit of a reorientation, since I’ve found that it’s this person who often doesn’t have the foggiest idea what the market needs.
10. Don’t forget what you’re doing all of this for. Whether it’s for God, country, family, fame, or just the chance to get some paid time off to write that novel, or for that down payment on a new apartment or a new car, you have to remember why it’s important to keep writing, and to write well. Good writing can be its own reason for being, and provide its own satisfaction—but it’s even better if it means that much to somebody else.
via Pinoy Penman.

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