rePost::Free GSM stack in development – The H Open Source: News and Features

Hope they succeed!!!!

Free GSM stack in development
Harald Welte, kernel hacker and operator of, has released the first code from the OsmocomBB project which is developing a complete, free and open source software GSM stack.
The initial code presented by the project has “full control over the baseband hardware” and is able to scan GSM bands for cells. As yet it is not capable of making calls. Welte says “We are currently in Rx (receive) only mode and have no Layer2 or Layer3 implementation”, adding that he is confident that the difficult part, driving the hardware and implementing “minimal Layer1”, is done and he expects to have the ability to make “actual phone calls during the months to come”.
via Free GSM stack in development – The H Open Source: News and Features.

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