rePost::Buchheit’s lucky streak as an angel (and a founder) | VentureBeat

Note to self and friends::
For WD start with simple then iterate. Do the simplest thing possible!!!

Mint founder Aaron Patzer credited Buchheit with helping him think about the appropriate software architecture for his consumer finance site.
“He pushed us to prioritize performance and search speed and helped us to find ways to scale Mint successfully,” Patzer said.
reMail chief executive Gabor Cselle said Buchheit helped him hone his product down to its core essentials. Buchheit himself is a strong advocate of keeping products simple and focused.
“Paul Buchheit and Sanjeev Singh endured my slide deck on our multi-step plan for global email domination, and pointed out that instead I should build something small, simple, and useful. It worked,” Cselle wrote in a blog post announcing the reMail acquisition yesterday.
via Buchheit’s lucky streak as an angel (and a founder) | VentureBeat.

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