rePost: The Democratic plan: Finish this bill – Ezra Klein

I’d rather call this the Simon Cowell effect but I’d also like to call it the American Idol Effect, Even the ShowTime effect (as in Anne Curtis Smith’s show hehehe). This is the way our media has been structured has been unforgiving to the people in center stage. Where we had more time to give judgment to people/policy/stuff in general , we are now expected to come up with judgment on such a small sample and a short amount of time. Great art is seldom done like this, In general Great Things are seldom formed like this.

That, of course, is the real plan: finish the bill. The Democrats have been roundly criticized for mishandling the politics of health-care reform, and those criticisms have often been justified. But there’s a larger truth, too: The only way to win this issue is to pass the bill. Their biggest mistake has been letting the legislation take so long. But that doesn’t mean they’ve failed. They fail if the bill fails, and they succeed if the bill passes. The progress has become slow and halting and unsteady, but they are still moving toward the finish line.
via Ezra Klein – The Democratic plan: Finish this bill.

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