rePost::4 Simple Principles of Getting to Completion | Zen Habits

I was interviewing for a job in a startup last year. The interview was going well then I was asked what have you launched. I wasn’t able to say anything and that was the end of what could have been a partnership.  I have to remind myself that good enough is good enough and that making complicated things are hard and thus strive for simplicity. For a lot of programmers simplicity is harder than complexity. Here are a few advice on getting to completion, advice I extremely need to become a success.

4 Simple Principles of Getting to Completion

“If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things, then this is the best season of your life.” ~Wu-Men

Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter.

When I hear about a great idea that a friend has, I get excited. I can’t wait to see that idea become reality.
Then I ask about the idea a few months later, and it often is not one bit closer to completion.
Ideas stop short of becoming reality, and projects seem to drag on endlessly, because of one thing: complexity.
via 4 Simple Principles of Getting to Completion | Zen Habits.

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