rePost:: more, More, MORE! :: Seth's Blog

In the Philippines how well you are treated as a customer is most of the time inversely proportional to how good a customer you are. If you complain a lot you get good service but if you are more of the let it slide type you don’t have such great service. I sometimes wish restaurants do the math and just give great service to their valuable customers. This is partly the reason why I sign up for loyalty cards which help them track your spending, maybe they’d get their act together and figure out that the 80-20 rule / pareto principle probably applies to them. 80 percent of their revenues may come from just 20 percent of their clientele.

You have three choices: put up with the whiners, write off everyone, or, deliberately exclude the ungrateful curs.
Firing the customers you can’t possibly please gives you the bandwidth and resources to coddle the ones that truly deserve your attention and repay you with referrals, applause and loyalty.
via Seth’s Blog: more, More, MORE!.

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