rePost:: Three types of passion « Figuring Shit Out :: Nov 5th (day 23)

I tend to agree with him. The scary thing is what if I’m more of the passion for everything? no I need to be a one passion man!
Read the whole thing. I was nodding my head while reading this.

The world seems to be split into roughly three different types of people: Those who have a passion for nothing, those who have a passion for one thing and those who have a passion for everything. This way of categorizing is not to cast a value judgement onto any particular group. My informal observation is that aspects such as intelligence, courage, moral fibre and wisdom seem roughly evenly distributed across all three of these groups although it may initially not seem that way. It’s always difficult trying to describe a group with an insider’s perspective if you’re not an insider but I’m going to give it a try:
via Nov 5th (day 23): Three types of passion « Figuring Shit Out.

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