rePost::Innovation Lessons in "Start-Up Nation" – O'Reilly Radar

I think tis is beginning to happen at least in th IT industry. Some people are emerging as leaders who start events, etc to help people connect, and learn. Give it less than a decade and the lower level people like me would probably be in a position to create a bigger more community focused industry!!!!!

Traits that other countries can emulate

Although Israel has special advantages, some of the elements to which Senor and Singer trace its innovativeness can theoretically be achieved elsewhere. Briefly, these are:
A loyalty to the entire community that goes beyond personal success. The authors point out that, for all of Israelis' notorious fractiousness, they expend enormous effort helping total strangers. All of Israel is a single team, even a single family. (Obviously, this family feeling does not extend to non-Jews.) Israeli entrepreneurs who give talks abroad often play up the strengths of their country as well as their company.
via Innovation Lessons in “Start-Up Nation” – O’Reilly Radar.

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