rePost::Tortured doc to speak for all ‘Morong 43’ –, Philippine News for Filipinos

A society is judeged by how it treats its elders and children. We are failing.

MANILA, Philippines—The 60-year-old doctor who was allegedly tortured by the military will speak in behalf of the 42 other health workers about their ordeal in the hands of the military when they are presented to the public for the first time Monday.
Dr. Alex Montes, a member of the non-government organization Community Medicine Development Foundation (Commed), will narrate his experiences while under military detention before the Court of Appeals at 2:30 p.m., according to human rights lawyer Romeo Capulong, lead counsel of the health workers.
Last Friday, the Supreme Court ordered the Armed Forces of the Philippines to present the detainees to the CA’s First Division for their writ of habeas corpus hearing. But the military asked for deferment and said it would present them Monday.
Capulong, head of the Public Interest Law Center, said the 43 health workers would submit their sworn affidavits to the court.
via Tortured doc to speak for all ‘Morong 43’ –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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