rePost::The Recession is Dead, Long Live the Recession: Life Without Jobs : Casaubon's Book

I got terminated as a tester on my first job out of college. I was out of work for 3 months. Although 3 months was a relatively short time compared to other people’s experience it was too long for me. Nobody can really get you out of that funk your in, the feeling of uselessness , incompetence. After a month I was beginning to have serious thoughts of questioning how good I really was at anything. I don’t know but I believe if it stretched to 6 months I may have accepted jobs I wouldn’t have considered a couple of weeks before. This is why the reluctance of Barack Obama to help the unemployed of his country in the scale that FDR did is really heartless and gutless of him.  I could go on and on but this would just be an angst , sorrowful filled post. Suffice to say whenever I can’t get myself to work harder I just remember my last evaluation and a fire lights within me. To end in a lighter note after that job I was able to get a job as a programmer again and I can say that I did well. In  a lot of ways I shined. So have faith that God has better plans for you.

Strong evidence suggests that people who don’t find solid roots in the job market within a year or two have a particularly hard time righting themselves. In part, that’s because many of them become different–and damaged–people. Krysia Mossakowski, a sociologist at the University of Miami, has found that in young adults, long bouts of unemployment provoke long-lasting changes in behavior and mental health. “Some people say, ‘Oh, well, they’re young, they’re in and out of the workforce, so unemployment shouldn’t matter much psychologically,'” Mossakowski told me. “But that isn’t true.”
via The Recession is Dead, Long Live the Recession: Life Without Jobs : Casaubon’s Book.

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