rePost:Movie Review of The Expendables:PewPewPew on that Test Screening of THE EXPENDABLES — Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

I’m really excited to watch this!!!! Read the whole thing!!

Obviously, Sly is no James Cameron – and he doesn’t care to be. This isn’t a film you watch with 3-D glasses on. This is a throwback to the pre-special effects days and I found that jarring at first – What, a movie with no blue people?! – but as the film went on, I was cheering and pumping my fists with the rest of the crowd.
As for specific scenes, there are a number of memorable ones that I’m sure we’ll be dissecting for ages – Statham on the basketball court, the explosion on the dock, the tunnel fight and especially the extended climax at the end (where nothing and no one is left standing).
At the end of the day, I really admire what Sly has done here. He’s always had this ability to write strong character-driven stories. What makes The Expendables unique is that there are at least 10 compelling characters to follow… Here’s hoping there’s a sequel!
Signing off,
via PewPewPew on that Test Screening of THE EXPENDABLES — Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

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