rePost::Noynoy and Great Expectations | Filipino Voices

The challenges facing the Philippines are many, with solutions conflicting. This necessitates a lot of sacrifice from all sectors of society. This is Noynoy’s second weakness, his lack of great oratorical gifts. His first being his unproven mettle for leadership.  I pray he finds his voice because if if he doesn’t her lineage may not be enough to counter the power of GMA2 or the one who must not be named. If people do not understand why they are sacrificing, sacrifice becomes a bitter medicine, hard to swallow. If we cannot embolden people, help them find the courage to stare down corruption, report the erring officials, being vigilant against opportunist in and outside the administration, Noy may win the election but lose the war.
Please anyone but GMA2.

He answered, as with his previous answers, in that circuitous manner. The core message is lost in the minor crests and dips. His words traveled from his lips to my ears and my brain discerned that his answer, in brief, was that he could not miss the opportunity to create change. I sat back, unmoved. I did not get the answer I wanted. I was no closer to getting a better sense of his motivations for running as I had before sharing breathing space with the good senator.
But what did I expect? Noynoy does not have the gravitas of men and women who command loyalty by simply being. He has not the charm of his father nor a revolution brewing in his favor as his mother. All he has are his shoulders frail. Here is a man who had indeed chosen to pick up the biggest rock in sight and to willingly strike it on his head. And he does it not for naked quest for power. Megalomania is to Noynoy as sweet is to brick. These properties do not compute.
These days, his noticeably thinner body seems to bow under the weight of his assumed burden, this man who has had no great aspirations to power, this man who has had no messianic pretensions. In running for the highest office in the land at a time of great crisis, perhaps Noynoy only wishes to honor the memory of his mother and father, and in doing so resurrect in all of us what was was great and proud in the Filipino.
via Noynoy and Great Expectations | Filipino Voices.

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