rePost::Experimental Theology: The Way, the Truth and the Life

Nice way to think about this!!!

Jesus said he was “the way, the truth and the life.”
For many Christians, where faith has been reduced to propositional assent (“I believe x to be true”), Jesus’ claim moves through the following sequence:


That is, we have the following order:

  1. Truth: I believe in Jesus
  2. Life: Because of this belief I get to go to heaven
  3. Way: And maybe, but this doesn’t always happen, I’ll begin to live more like Jesus

What I was arguing for in the last post was this kind of sequence. A reversal of the traditional order:


Things go in this order:

  1. Way: I begin to follow the path of Jesus
  2. Life: I discover that in losing my life I find it
  3. Truth: And maybe, but this doesn’t always happen, I’ll begin to believe the claims about Jesus to be true

via Experimental Theology: The Way, the Truth and the Life.

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