rePost:: » Philippines: “Renewable Marriage Bill”

This law is stupid, the problem is that there is no divorce law, or that annulment is too expensive. This law is wrong in so many levels.

A partylist group in the Philippines wants to introduce a law that would put a ten-year expiration date on marriage contracts. The unique proposal is the group’s answer to lengthy and expensive annulment proceedings in the country. The Catholic-dominated Philippines does not have a divorce law.
According to the group, the “Renewable Marriage Bill” would “spare incompatible couples the expense of lengthy legal proceedings before their marriages are annulled.” The group added that a marriage contract “should be just like a passport or driver’s license. If we are not interested to renew it, then it expires.”
More than 500,000 marriages are administered by the Catholic Church every year with less than 10 percent getting annulled and reported.
via Global Voices Online » Philippines: “Renewable Marriage Bill”.

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