rePost::Pirate Bay’s Ipredator VPN Opens To The Public | TorrentFreak

Pirate Bay’s Ipredator VPN Opens To The PublicWritten by Ernesto on January 20, 2010 After months of waiting, the Ipredator anonymity service from the founders of The Pirate Bay has finally opened its doors to the public. For 5 euros a month users can now hide all their Internet traffic, including torrent downloads, from third party outfits who might want to spy on their downloading habits.ipredatorIn the last year, pressure from the entertainment industries on ISPs and governments to crack down on copyright infringers has steadily increased, resulting in ISPs sending out mass copyright warnings. This, of course, is coupled with the looming specter of three-strikes legislation aimed at disconnecting copyright infringers.
via Pirate Bay’s Ipredator VPN Opens To The Public | TorrentFreak.

If they have UK IP addresses I’d probably get this service for BBC stuff.

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