rePost::Children Take the Stage in Same-Sex Marriage Push –

LAST month, advocates and opponents of same-sex marriage packed the New Jersey State House in Trenton, supporters in blue, opponents in red. Near the end of the day, Kasey Nicholson-McFadden took the microphone. “It doesn’t bother me to tell kids my parents are gay,” he said in a clear voice. “It does bother me to say they aren’t married. It makes me feel that our family is less than their family.”
via Children Take the Stage in Same-Sex Marriage Push –

In a way that is what same-sex marriage is about. Acknowledging that people have the right to choose their partners. That people are equal under the law. Of course this doesn’t remove the right of any religious organization to expel/excommunicate them, but what we are talking about is legal, and I believe this prohibition is archaic and should be revised.

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