rePost::Seven Essential Elements of Quantum Physics : Uncertain Principles

nice read. read the whole thing. People have a fixation with a probabilty or 1 the sure thing and 0 the impossible, when the truth is almost always somewhere in the middle.

3) Probability is all we ever know. When physicists use quantum mechanics to predict the results of an experiment, the only thing they can predict is the probability of detecting each of the possible outcomes. Given an experiment in which an electron will end up in one of two places, we can say that there is a 17% probability of finding it at point A and an 83% probability of finding it at point B, but we can never say for sure that a single given electron will definitely end up at A or definitely end up at B. No matter how careful we are to prepare each electron in exactly the same way, we can never say for definitiviely what the outcome of the experiment will be. Each new electron is a completely new experiment, and the final outcome is random.
via Seven Essential Elements of Quantum Physics : Uncertain Principles.

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