rePost::Memo: NYT’s Sulzberger, Robinson Explain ‘Important Decision About Our Future’ | paidContent

Hmm, hearing the news (from facebook post of gelo) that NYTimes would put up some sort of paywall made me think how much I would pay for their service.
Let’s see:
10 PhP per day x 6 days a week (I don’t read much of anything sunday) x 52 weeks a year / 46 Php/USD: around 68 $ per year
I’d pay an extra 12$ if they give me full feeds of the NYT stuff I follow, so I can read it at google reader.  Must mark this post to remind myself to subscribe when they put up the paywall.

On the Record . . . From Arthur + Janet
Vol. 1 2010: An Important Decision about Our Future
Today we are announcing that we will be introducing a paid model for at the beginning of 2011. As you will see in the press release, we have chosen a metered approach that will offer users free access to a set number of articles per month and then charge users once they exceed that number.
The metered model implementation is an integral part of our comprehensive plan for enhancing In 2010 we will continue initiatives such as Times Open, Times Topics and our work to develop more active communities and more fully integrate the real-time Web. We will continue to develop new online products and offerings as part of our effort to enhance the user experience for our readers and advertisers.
Our strategy is to build the metered model while we remain focused on making more compelling, interactive and entertaining, providing many more reasons for online audiences to visit our site and stay longer. In the weeks ahead, we will be adding resources to achieve these critically important goals.
Since is, by a variety of standards, one of the world’s most popular and successful news Web sites, why are we changing our model at all?
We are doing so because we believe that a second revenue stream will be an important part of our future. While digital advertising will continue to be the major contributor to our success on the Web, we expect that online subscription revenue will improve our ability to grow an important part of this business.
via Memo: NYT’s Sulzberger, Robinson Explain ‘Important Decision About Our Future’ | paidContent.

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