rePost::Ban them –, Philippine News for Filipinos

Got this from vince.  I believe that a gun less society or at least a society where guns are locked up at the police station or the police are at constant alert and anybody else with a gun outside of designated areas are automatically criminal can be enforced. Imagine how cool that would be, people still medieval enough to have blood feuds have to fight with swords and other like weapons.

Nandy Pacheco was the first to have the eyes to see the one thing that is there but should not be there. At least he was the first to try to do something about it with his dream of a Gunless Society. I don’t know if that dream is entirely realizable, but I know that we can, and should, stop the sheer flood of arms tumbling like “Ondoy” into these shores. The only thing worse than a country not being able to feed its population is a country not being able to feed its population while being able to arm it.
The notion that guns do not kill, people do, is idiotic. If Ivler had only his fists with him when he met Ebarle, Ebarle would still be alive. The most sober citizen is prone to road rage, among many other rages he is prone to in this country, and far better that he unburdens himself with curses than with bullets. Guns addle the brain worse than drugs. With drugs you can only harm yourself, not others. Might as well say shabu doesn’t kill, people do. Power does corrupt and absolute power absolutely, and nowhere does power reside more absolutely than in the hand with the gun. A proliferation of guns, with its attendant culture, swagger and fetish, warps a society as surely as the proliferation of cancer cells does a body. We need books, not guns.
Buy the book, ban the gun.
via Ban them –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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