rePost::Marc Webb To Direct New Spider-Man Trilogy!? | /Film

I loved watching 500 days of summer and really wanted film makers like Marc Webb who has a sense of ; style and vision, and the chops to execute. I feel that a lot of film makers are found in extremes, between trying to please only themselves and to please most people, or the other extremes trying to please movie studio execs.  I hope Marc Webb does the reboot well, is a christopher nolan too much to ask from this obviously talented director? I hope not. I came in with high expectations when I watched 500 days of summer, too high, yet I was not let down.

Last week it was reported that (500) Days of Summer helmer Marc Webb was at the top of the list of candidates to helm a Spider-Man reboot. Vulture now has breaking word that Webb is signed on to direct, not only the Spider-Man reboot, but a new Spider-Man trilogy. That’s right, three movies!
The reboot allows Sony to clean house of all the high price-tag cast and crew from the original trilogy. Webb will be paid roughly $10 million for the first film, with reported substantial bonuses built in “if the picture reaches certain box-office milestones.” Sam Raimi was paid $10 million for the original Spider-Man film, but that was nearly ten years ago. The Evil Dead director’s agreement included a percentage of the film’s grosses (nearly 25 percent when combined with star Tobey Maguire on the last sequel).
via Marc Webb To Direct New Spider-Man Trilogy!? | /Film.

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