rePost::Midnight appointments : Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose

A well written article that explains to non lawyers the current issue being faced by the Aquino Campaign vs the Arroyo Palace and their tiff with Presidential Appointments. Some people have no shame.  Imagine if this was done by someone good.  I am reminded always of The Movie Hero by Jet Li . When will someone who has no shame with the balls to do change for the good.

Benigno Aquino III has thrown down the gauntlet in light of the President’s toying with appointing the next Chief Justice when the current Chief Justice retires on May 17 (ideally, by that time, the public would already know who the next President is, and the date falls about a month and a half before the official term of the incumbent expires, when there is a blanket prohibition on appointments from the time the last two months of a president’s term starts). The Palace is suitably miffed.
via Midnight appointments : Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose.

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