rePost::Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Mr. Tracy's library

There are a lot of libraries that are closing down, maybe we could get those books and put up libraries in the poor provinces in the Philippines.

Mr. Tracy’s library
January 11, 2010
Edge's annual question for 2010 is “How is the Internet changing the way you think?” Some 170 folks submitted answers, including me. (I found it a bit of a challenge, since I wanted to avoid pre-plagiarizing my upcoming book, which happens to be on this subject.) Here's my submission:
As the school year began last September, Cushing Academy, an elite Massachusetts prep school that’s been around since Civil War days, announced that it was emptying its library of books. In place of the thousands of volumes that had once crowded the building’s shelves, the school was installing, it said, “state-of-the-art computers with high-definition screens for research and reading” as well as “monitors that provide students with real-time interactive data and news feeds from around the world.” Cushing’s bookless library would become, boasted headmaster James Tracy, “a model for the 21st-century school.”
via Rough Type: Nicholas Carr’s Blog: Mr. Tracy’s library.

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