rePost::don’t worry if you don’t know “absolutely everything” before starting out | Gapingvoid

That’s pro­bably the last thing you need…
A lot of peo­ple mas­si­vely post­pone their EVIL PLANS, for the sim­ple rea­son that they don’t have an ans­wer for every pos­si­ble contingency.
They don’t know enough about the industry. They don’t know enough peo­ple in the industry– espe­cially the A-Listers. They don’t know enough about where the mar­ket is going to be in five years. They don’t know enough about what could pos­sibly go wrong. They don’t know where EVERY SINGLE LAST POSSIBLE LANDMINE is buried.
So ins­tead of get­ting on with it, they spend the next few years kee­ping their Nowhe­res­vi­lle day job, whilst spen­ding their eve­nings sur­fing the web, scou­ring the trade maga­zi­nes, researching everything like crazy, trying to get a tho­rough, small-time Outsider’s view about what the big-time Insi­ders are currently up to.
And then they often com­pound this by also trying to get a handle on the even big­ger stuff. What will hap­pen to the American/Asian/European/Brazilian/Whatever eco­nomy in the next 2/5/10/25/Whatever years, and how will these BIG things affect their tiny, obs­cure niche.
They want to have ALL the ans­wers, before ever ris­king get­ting their feet wet. Hell, before even get­ting their little toe wet…
Agreed, a wee bit of pru­dence and infor­med cir­cums­pec­tion are lovely vir­tues to have, but over­doing it can be ulti­ma­tely unpro­duc­tive, for a variety of rea­sons. Here are my four favo­rite ones:
via don’t worry if you don’t know “absolutely everything” before starting out | Gapingvoid.

I’m not getting any younger, sometime I will have to make the plunge, I hope its soon. This was a nice read!!!

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