rePost::Complaining is like a drug. We get addicted to the euphoria of self importance, but inevitably it leaves us unfulfilled.

I have to confess that I know I’m a little less fun to hang with the past year, I was complaining a lot, I get irritated easily and I developed this passive aggressive  stance that I’m working towards eliminating. this was a nice read.

One reason is I (like most people) really enjoy complaining. It makes us feel more important. But like a drug, the high wears off and we are left with nothing truly accomplished. We also are afraid of making our goals less vague. If they remain vague and cloudy, then we can’t really fail at them, can we?
This year, I’m back on the path described above. Back to nixing this habit of complaining. Back to visualizing some future awesome accomplishments behind me. So far so good, and I’m happy again with the results.
via Inkling Corporate Blog – Business Intelligence Using Prediction Markets: Complaining is like a drug. We get addicted to the euphoria of self importance, but inevitably it leaves us unfulfilled..

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