rePost:: Mr. Smith Rewrites the Constitution –

found this article really interesting. It’s funny to notice that in the case of the Philippines we still have a considerable number of people alive who were part of the Filipinos who created the Philippine Constitution and yet we have Congress people who have the gall to twist the meaning of certain provisions/articles(I have no idea how to refer to them) in our constitution.

Whether any such approach works, the founders would have expected us to do something about this unconstitutional filibuster. In Federalist No. 75, Hamilton denounced the use of supermajority rule in these prophetic words: “The history of every political establishment in which this principle has prevailed is a history of impotence, perplexity and disorder.” That is a suitable epitaph for what has happened to the Senate.
via Op-Ed Contributor – Mr. Smith Rewrites the Constitution –

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