rePost::What Should We Teach New Software Developers? Why? | January 2010 | Communications of the ACM

The Academia/Industry Gap
So what can we do? Industry would prefer to hire “developers” fully trained in the latest tools and techniques whereas academia's greatest ambition is to produce more and better professors. To make progress, these ideals must become better aligned. Graduates going to industry must have a good grasp of software development and industry must develop much better mechanisms for absorbing new ideas, tools, and techniques. Inserting a good developer into a culture designed to prevent semi-skilled programmers from doing harm is pointless because the new developer will be constrained from doing anything significantly new and better.
Let me point to the issue of scale. Many industrial systems consist of millions of lines of code, whereas a student can graduate with honors from top CS programs without ever writing a program larger than 1,000 lines. All major industrial projects involve several people whereas many CS programs value individual work to the point of discouraging teamwork. Realizing this, many organizations focus on simplifying tools, techniques, languages, and operating procedures to minimize the reliance on developer skills. This is wasteful of human talent and effort because it reduces everybody to the lowest common denominator.
Industry wants to rely on tried-and-true tools and techniques, but is also addicted to dreams of “silver bullets,” “transformative breakthroughs,” “killer apps,” and so forth. They want to be able to operate with minimally skilled and interchangeable developers guided by a few “visionaries” too grand to be bothered by details of code quality. This leads to immense conservatism in the choice of basic tools (such as programming languages and operating systems) and a desire for monocultures (to minimize training and deployment costs). In turn, this leads to the development of huge proprietary and mutually incompatible infrastructures: Something beyond the basic tools is needed to enable developers to produce applications and platform purveyors want something to lock in developers despite the commonality of basic tools. Reward systems favor both grandiose corporate schemes and short-term results. The resulting costs are staggering, as are the failure rates for new projects.
Faced with that industrial reality—and other similar deterrents—academia turns in on itself, doing what it does best: carefully studying phenomena that can be dealt with in isolation by a small group of like-minded people, building solid theoretical foundations, and crafting perfect designs and techniques for idealized problems. Proprietary tools for dealing with huge code bases written in archaic styles don't fit this model. Like industry, academia develops reward structures to match. This all fits perfectly with a steady improvement of smokestack courses in well-delineated academic subjects. Thus, academic successes fit industrial needs like a square peg in a round hole and industry has to carry training costs as well as development costs for specialized infrastructures.
via What Should We Teach New Software Developers? Why? | January 2010 | Communications of the ACM.

I’m looking for a new job. The problem is that I am slowly coming to the conclusion that to be happier at my new job; as opposed to the myriad of possible places to work at and work to do; I may have to create the job I would like. This frankly is extremely scary and in lesser ways exciting. I have no idea where this is going but I have to do this now.

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