rePost::Who Will Grow Your Food? Part I: The Coming Demographic Crisis in Agriculture : Casaubon's Book

Who Will Grow Your Food? Part I: The Coming Demographic Crisis in Agriculture
Category: Collapse • Peak Energy • agriculture
Posted on: January 4, 2010 9:00 AM, by Sharon Astyk
Note: This is the beginning of a multi-part series on agricultural education, the farming demographic crisis and the question of who will grow our food – what the problems are, how we will find new farmers, how they will be trained. To me, this is one of the most urgent questions of our time.
A quick, Jay Leno style quiz for the man and woman on the street.
Who will grow your food in the coming decades?
A. My friendly neighborhood agribusinessman will grow my food on a plantation the size of Wyoming using nearly enslaved non-white folks who are deported minutes after harvest. Or maybe there will be robots involved somewhere. Yeah, robots are good.
B. Farmers, of course. You know, those dumb people in the flyover states that we tolerate because they give us dinner. Where will they come from? Well, don't they grow in the ground upside down like raspberries? Or do I mean zucchini? Well, either way, I think they reproduce by spores.
C. Food grows? You mean in the ground? With DIRT on it? And bugs? Ewwww.
via Who Will Grow Your Food? Part I: The Coming Demographic Crisis in Agriculture : Casaubon’s Book.

Interesting read. Maybe agriculture could be a way out of poverty???

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