Favorite TV Series of the Decade 2000-2010

I have a tendency to be anti social sometimes.
I tend to not watch something if it is in the fad (big exception when people whose taste I trust recommend it).
These are the series that I loved!!!!!

I Haven’t Watched But Would Love To:

Best Drama Series For Me:

  • The Wire

Close Second :

Best Comedy Series:

  • The Office

Close Second:

  • Frasier (I’m a sucker for niles  and daphne’s as much as I am a sucker for jim and pam’s)

Most Watched Series:

  • The West Wing (3X at least each episode)
  • The Wire (2x at least each episode)
  • How I Met Your Mother (3X at least each episode)
  • Serenity (2X)
  • The Office (3X at least each episode)
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