rePost::Noynoy Aquino – A Leader in His Own Right « Noypipol's Blog

Noynoy would take an active role that would help in the eventual defeat of the coup plotters. For one, he knew the rapacity, anti-democratic and anti-people character of the coup plotters because during a previous coup, in 1987, he was ambushed by the coup plotters along Malacañang. Noynoy was hit by five bullets and three of his four escorts were killed protecting him. A bullet is still embedded in his neck. Moreover, the coup plotters would want to perpetuate themselves to power, declare Martial Law, and plunge again the people into oppression.
At the height of the 1989 coup, Noynoy would call people close to his father, Ninoy, to assemble a group to help crush the ongoing coup. These are the people whom he could trust and would prove crucial in defeating the rebels.
In the early morning of November 30, Noynoy called me and asked me to organize a group to crush the ongoing coup. I immediately called up Ret. Gen. Salvador Mison, Gen. Pete Navarro, Charlie Avila, Wilo Layug, Lingoy Alcuaz, Gerry Esguerra and Steve Psinakis.
The group met at the office of Gen, Jake Carbonell in Pasig. The group under the leadership of Gen, Mison was given authority by the Palace to recapture Camp Aguinaldo and Camp Crame. The order was given to Gen. Carbonell by Gen. Mison to attack Camp Aguinaldo.
The rest is history as Cory Aquino finished her term peacefully and the people elected Fidel Ramos as the next president.
This single action of Noynoy proved to all that he is a man of action. His decisiveness in taking an active role is worth noting when Philippine democracy was imperiled by forces who are loyal only to themselves and not the freedom and democracy that was hard won by the Filipinos through the peaceful EDSA Revolution.
But what was so interesting is that he did not boast of his role in crushing the coup. He simply hid this information and the nation never knew of his participation. This is the kind of leader that should be emulated by the Filipinos, particularly the youth. A leader that does not boast of his achievement. A leader who can lead in the worst crisis in government. This is Noynoy Aquino. A leader, and worthy to be the son of Ninoy and Cory Aquino.
~ Roy Sangil
via Noynoy Aquino – A Leader in His Own Right « Noypipol’s Blog.

I’ve always had this bias towards people who are more into action rather than self-promotion. Its just although I’ve known people who really wowed me in the action and capability department, it always seems that the showpeople type of person has a lot of the boastful can’t do any thing but promote one’s self.
In this department then Noy now at least can be considered and action man. Although in this respect I’ve more respect for Gordon and Villar. They just have that body of work to fall back on.
Who ever you choose to vote for, keep your eyes and ears open, consider the whole person and all the evidence, examine the counterfactuals and for those who believe , pray! We can’t be blamed for the country we inherited but we will surely be blamed for the country we let our children have.

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