Advice::The 40-30-30 Rule: Why Risk Is Worth It :: Tips :: The 99 Percent

Many of the strategies employed in competitive and recreational sports are applicable in business and our personal lives. One lesson I learned from alpine ski racing was the “40-30-30 Rule.” During training, early on, I tried to go fast, and I also focused on not falling. On a ride up the ski lift, my coach told me I was missing the point. He explained that success in ski racing, or most sports for that matter, was only 40% physical training. The other 60% was mental. And of that, the first 30% was technical skill and experience. The second 30% was the willingness to take risks.
via The 40-30-30 Rule: Why Risk Is Worth It :: Tips :: The 99 Percent.

I’m choosing between two job offers right now, and its a choice between safe and predictable returns versus very risky (an actual startup, again ) and zero to great returns. Most friends advice going the predictable route, I’d like to go the unpredictable route. Why is it so hard?

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