AOTD::Leap of Confidence – How to Grow Your Skills – david wurtz

A lot of things you don’t know unless you try. This is true but we forget something, when we try, we must put that skeptical us at the far end of the room. We must learn to invest ourselves fully on something and for a significant amount of time before moving on to the next big thing.  Don’t overthink it take the leap, always reorient and rebalance!

Leap of Confidence – How to Grow Your Skills
Remember the scene of The Matrix where Neo is attempting to jump from one high-rise roof top to another? He's told he can make the jump only if he believes. Neo takes the leap, doubts himself mid-flight, and falls to the concrete below. (Luckily, the concrete was really made of rubber).
I think this scene from The Matrix can teach us all something about how to grow both personally and professionally. In Neo's case, he was learning to believe he was the One, and in yours, you're learning to realize the extent of your capabilities and talents.
In many situations, you need to believe you can succeed or you will fail…and its the very act of believing that leads you to success. Public speakers frequently employ the technique by envisioning their speech being well received before the give it, runners visualize a perfect race, and students the perfect test. Visualizing success tricks the brain into beleiving success is possible, and can actually improve results.
via Leap of Confidence – How to Grow Your Skills – david wurtz.

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