Advice::Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson: Make Everything Your Own

When you work for others, you are at their mercy. They own your work; they own you. Your creative spirit is squashed. What keeps you in such positions is a fear of having to sink or swim on your own. Instead you should have a greater fear of what will happen to you if you remain dependent on others for power. Your goal in every maneuver in life must be ownership, working the corner for yourself. When it is yours, it is yours to lose — you are more motivated, more creative, more alive. The ultimate power in life is to be completely self-reliant, completely yourself.
via Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson: Make Everything Your Own.

Hope one day I could follow his advice and take the plunge and do my own thing. I could honestly say I haven’t found my thing and in a way I am working for someone because the work is good and challenging enough to merit my interest yet not too stressful, that I lose time to think and explore what my thing would be or already is! Hope we all find our passions.

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