Stupidity::Comelec says gay party 'immoral'

as I stated previously, as Abraham Lincoln said: If this isn’t wrong, nothing is wrong.
I refuse to discriminate anyone on the basis of who or what gender they choose to love. This is wrong.

Comelec says gay party ‘immoral’
by Kristine Servando, | 11/12/2009 8:56 PM
Comelec Rules that Ang Ladlad poses ‘risks’ to Pinoy youth
Ang Ladlad to appeal decision
Danton Remoto: Comelec’s ideas on homosexuals are ‘obsolete
MANILA – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Wednesday rejected Ang Ladlad for party-list accreditation on the grounds that the party advocates “sexual immorality” and “immoral doctrines.”
Ang Ladlad is an organization of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT).
In a ruling dated November 11, the Comelec said that although the party presented proper documents and evidence for their accreditation, their petition is “dismissable on moral grounds.”
Page 5 of the ruling states that Ang Ladlad’s definition of the LGBT sector as a marginalized sector who are disadvantaged because of their sexual orientation “makes it crystal clear that the petitioner tolerates immorality which offends religious beliefs.”
The document quotes passages from both the Bible and the Koran (taken from internet site that describe homosexuality as “unseemly” or “transgressive.”
The Comelec goes on to state that accrediting Ang Ladlad would pose risks for Filipino youth.

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