Stupidity:: Gay Rights or the Homeless? You Choose DC.

Someone please explain to me how the hell does preventing people to unite in something marriage like is offensive enough to prevent people from helping other people? Please I really want to understand the thinking behind this.

Gay Rights or the Homeless? You Choose DC.
From The Los Angeles Times:
The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington said Wednesday that it would be unable to continue the social service programs it runs for the District of Columbia if the city refused to change a proposed same-sex marriage law.
The threat could affect tens of thousands of people the church helps with adoption, homelessness and healthcare.
Under the legislation, which the City Council is expected to pass next month, religious organizations would not be required to perform or make space available for same-sex weddings. But they would have to obey laws prohibiting discrimination against gays and lesbians.
via Experimental Theology: Gay Rights or the Homeless? You Choose DC..

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