rePost:On Trust:Thanks Matt for listening… (Scripting News)

There isn’t enough trust in the world, imho. People can’t tell, or don’t take the time to find out, if someone is trustworthy. The other day I asked this question of an editor at a major newspaper — why don’t you trust your readers? I ask this of Apple, why don’t you trust your users? What about the government, why doesn’t it trust its citizens? Ultimately all these institutions must listen to the people they serve. The news and tech industries, even governments — will eventually listen.
The reason people are reluctant: If you extend trust, sometimes you’re going to get burned. And if you never trust anyone, you’ll never be hurt. But you won’t have much of a life. So you have to develop a sense of who and what you can depend on.

via Thanks Matt for listening… (Scripting News).

This paragraph really hit me hard. It made me ask the question are you someone you would trust? I am not ok with my answer to that question!

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