Philippine Internet Users Part 2


Internet users as percentage of population, Philippines
5.97% of population – 2007
Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators
via internet users philippines – Google Search.

PH – 97,976,603 population (’09) – Area: 300,000 sq km
Capital City: Manila – GNI p.c.US$ 1,170 (’04) per World Bank
24,000,000 Internet users as of Jun/09, 24.5% penetration, per N-O
967,600 broadband subscribers as of Mar.31/08, per ITU

picture above from here

Was really piqued in an interview of Noy’s Media Manager Yolanda Ong with her data of 26 million internet users. as shown by my post here . Luckily Google was awesome enough to release google public data WOOT! this is so cool, probably my super time sink for this week!
PS: the 26 million figure was only about 1-2 million more than the estimate of 24++ so good enough!

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