18 Million Voting Age Internet Users Wow!

Wow I don’t know how accurate these stats are; But if this is true with cellphones and computer usage this high probably between 15-25% of the population uses the internet, we could support great products in the mobile and web parts of the local tech industry.

Still TV but…
In the Philippines, television still has the biggest influence on the voters at 70+%, higher than the 22% of the Internet.
Unlike in the US, where majority of voters belong to the middle class, most Filipino voters belong to the D and E social classes. Many of them, especially in the provinces, don’t have access to the Interent.
Nevertheless, Ong sees big potential in new media.
“Television is still the most influential. But new media might replace some of the mediums we are used to in the past. We want to know how viable it will become. This is our attempt to begin to explore [a] cyberspace campaign,” Ong said.
Lim said there are around 28 million Internet users in the Philippines. Out of this number, around 18 million are voters. “This is a huge number and the pie is growing,” he said.
In the 2007 elections, Lim said there were only about 10 million Internet users in the Philippines. Around 60% or 70% of the users then accessed the Internet in their offices. Now, around 60% to 70% of Internet users go to cafes.
“This is a people’s campaign. To be honest, this is an experiment. We don’t have much money. I had to be creative. Since we could not go mainstream, this is the most fertile [medium],” Ong added.
via Noynoy does an ‘Obama’, taps new media | ABS-CBN News Online Beta.

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