rePost::The Long View: In defense of Esperanza Cabral : Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose

I’ve bemoaned the lack of goodToGreat political blogs in the Philippines. Most tend to be ideologues and tend to bend over backward to defend their beliefs. Its refreshing to know that there is at least one High Quality blog in the Philippines about politics. Now if only I can find another 4  goodToGreat political blogs , I can finally start looking for goodToGreat Econ/Business blogs from the Philippines!

What struck me immediately about the controversial blog entry was that the problems the public has come to associate with officialdom and relief were notably absent. There was no pilfering, no looting, no diversion of relief to line official pockets. This, in itself, is a colossal achievement: the warehouses are secure, items are tidily kept and they presumably end up where they should. Another thing that struck me was that the secretary has proven true to her pledge to be transparent and accountable about donations: they are publicly available, on line, listing monetary donations, and donations in kind, and the disbursement of relief goods.
via The Long View: In defense of Esperanza Cabral : Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose.

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