rePost::Love of Shopping is Not a Gene: exposing junk science and ideology in Darwinian Psychology – Boing Boing

I believe that blaming your genes for almost anything is the wrong way to go. It is a cop out and I would never want to be that way. We have the lives we have, deal with it, learn love change improve create. The limitations that our genes impose on us is not as shackling as the limitations we place on ourselves.

Love of Shopping is Not a Gene: exposing junk science and ideology in Darwinian PsychologyAnne Innis Dagg’s “Love of Shopping” is Not a Gene is a scathing, entertaining and extremely accessible geneticist’s critique of “Darwinian Psychology” — that is, the “science” of ascribing human behavior to genetic inevitability. Dagg, a biologist/geneticist at the University of Waterloo, identifies Darwinian Psychology as a nexus of ideological pseudoscience cooked to justify political agendas about the inevitability of social inequality, especially racial and sexual inequality.One after another, Dagg examines the cherished shibboleths of Darwinian Psychology, examining the research offered in support of such statements as “Rape is genetic” or “Black people are genetically destined to have lower IQ scores than white people” and demolishes each statement by subjecting it to scientific rigor, including an examination of all the contradictory evidence ignored by proponents.
via Love of Shopping is Not a Gene: exposing junk science and ideology in Darwinian Psychology – Boing Boing.

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