rePost::20-year old Iraqi woman dies; father ran her over for being too Westernized – Boing Boing

I am too mad to comment. These people make religion harder for the rest of us. Fuck. I fear that the time when we have to choose between religious freedom and freedom of speech is near.  I know what I’ll choose , I just don’t like the other people on that side.

20-year old Iraqi woman dies; father ran her over for being too Westernized
noor faleh almaleki.pngA young Iraqi woman died tonight in Arizona because her father believed she had become too Westernized. Noor Faleh Almaleki, the 20-year old pictured here, moved to the Phoenix area in the mid-90s with her family.
via 20-year old Iraqi woman dies; father ran her over for being too Westernized – Boing Boing.

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