rePost::SIMON COWELL: A letter to my shallow, reckless, cocky younger self | Mail Online

loved reading this.  read the whole thing!

Suddenly it all grinds to a halt. It’s over! The crash comes and your precious company shares, on which you have built your entire financial position, turn to dust overnight. The great big cork has popped on your champagne lifestyle – and not a moment too soon, as far as I’m concerned.
You are out of a job because the record label cannot be funded anymore, you owe the bank a fortune and your house is in negative equity. Out of the blue, you have no income, a ton of debt and nowhere to live, apart from moving back in with your parents.
In the end, you cannot get rid of the house or the stupid white Porsche quick enough. You have hit rock bottom and it is, in a strange way, a huge relief.
Yet the funny thing is, what you don’t know, Simon, is that you will never again feel so carefree in your entire life.
For a brief moment, you have no responsibilities. Literally none. No employees, no artists, no worries, nothing to fear. You have a car, a second-hand TR6, that you love much more than your Porsche.
Your parents are fantastic and you have enough decent friends – real friends – who don’t laugh at you or ditch you because you are not the big shot any more.
via SIMON COWELL: A letter to my shallow, reckless, cocky younger self | Mail Online.

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