rePost::2009-10-20/ at master from raganwald's homoiconic – GitHub

Who knows how to play Go? Let’s play some time.
Where does one buy a Go set here in the Philippines?
The following stuff was about one person trying learn go!
I’ve long wanted to play this game ever since I got hooked on the anime playing at qtv 11 about Go.
Need to search the interwebs for local go gaming groups!

Try something, she encouraged. Succeed, fail, it doesn’t matter. Try something and see how it works out. But I sat, paralyzed by fear, paralyzed by indecision. It wasn’t that I didn’t know which move to play. That phrase suggests that I could see a few plays, had a few ideas of things I wanted to do. But I had no idea what I could be trying to do. I couldn’t select a move because I didn’t see any moves. Sure, I could place a stone on any vacant intersection, so in a sense I had a list of possible moves. But at any non-trivial level, a move suggests some sort of intention. I had no intentions, I had no idea what I could be trying to do or why.
via 2009-10-20/ at master from raganwald’s homoiconic – GitHub.

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