rePost::Rich Germans want higher taxes | FP Passport

Hey friends what’s your over and under for this??
How many Rich people from the Philippines do you think would sign a petition such as this?

Rich Germans ask for higher taxes
Fri, 10/23/2009 – 4:12pm
They’re the kind of citizens any cash-starved government would want: a group of wealthy Germans have launched a petition this week calling for higher taxes on wealthy Germans. The group claims that Germany could raise €100 billion if the richest people paid a five percent wealth tax for two years.
Germany is not known as a low-tax country–tax revenues were 37% of GDP in 2007, in line with other EU countries, and above countries like South Korea (29%) and the United States (28%). The petitioners claim, though, that those who “made a fortune through inheritance, hard work, hard-working, successful entrepreneurship, or investment” should put their money into an economy that, while better off than some other EU counterparts, is still facing rising unemployment through next year.
via Rich Germans want higher taxes | FP Passport.

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