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This is good news!

Free legal aid assured for victims of illegal recruitment
10/26/2009 | 04:14 PM
Victims of illegal recruitment may now be assured of free legal aid from the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Quezon City Chapter after the group inked a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the Task Force Against Illegal Recruitment (Tfair) under the Office of the Vice President.
“This is indeed good news to all victims of illegal recruitment. Now we have a partner, the IBP-QC chapter, in our campaign against illegal recruitment,” said Tfair chairman and Vice President Noli De Castro in a statement.
De Castro, who is also presidential adviser on overseas Filipino workers (OFW), said the Tfair will evaluate and refer to IBP-QC “high priority” large scale illegal recruitment cases.
He said the IBP-QC will help qualified OFW victims in the prosecution of their individual or collective administrative, civil or criminal claims and actions against illegal recruiters.
As stated in the MOA, De Castro said the IBP-QC shall provide these legal services for free. “No acceptance and appearance fees shall be charged to the OFW victims and no fee shall be charged for drafting pleadings.”
via Free legal aid assured for victims of illegal recruitment – Pinoy Abroad – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News.

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