Idea For The Day::A Casino for Conservation? : Guilty Planet

I’d gladly play in a casino like this!

A Casino for Conservation?
Category: Solutions
Posted on: October 25, 2009 3:14 PM, by Jennifer L. Jacquet
What if you could gamble for a good cause? Why not build a casino where the profits go to conservation?
The idea came to me last night while watching a BBC documentary on gambling with Louis Theroux (see preview below). The segment features a woman who has lost $4 million over the last 7 years (don’t worry, she says she had fun doing it) and a Canadian mattress man who lost somewhere over $250,000 in one weekend. Imagine if these people could lose their money and know that it ultimately wound up going toward a good cause rather than in the pockets of already rich casino owners?
via A Casino for Conservation? : Guilty Planet.

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